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Tests of competence and revalidation assessment pilot days

General Medical Council

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What is a pilot day and how can I get involved?

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The aim of the day
We run pilot days to collect performance data and individual feedback about our questions and clinical scenarios.

We pilot the material on a wide range of doctors of all grades working in particular specialties. The material is then used in the tests of competence or revalidation assessments.

Get involved
It's a great opportunity to get exam practice, expand your CV or obtain evidence to demonstrate your commitment to your specialty.

You'll be paid £350 for volunteering at an OSCE pilot, and £175 for volunteering at a written exam pilot.

To take part, you need to have a licence to practise medicine in the UK and be in good standing.

Candidates: you need to be FY2 or above and have worked in the specialty being piloted for at least four months in the last two years.

Examiners (for OSCE pilots only): you need to have worked as a consultant in the specialty being piloted within the last two years and have relevant OSCE experience or have attended one of these events before.

Please see our FAQs for more details.

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Please see the list of events we have open for registration below.

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DateSpecialtyStart timeEnd timeLocationBook
Friday, 2 May 2025Geriatric Medicine OSCE
09:3016:30ManchesterBook a place
Friday, 2 May 2025Urology OSCE
09:3016:30ManchesterBook a place
Friday, 27 June 2025Emergency Medicine Written Exam
08:3012:00Manchester/ LondonBook a place
Friday, 27 June 2025Forensic & General Psychiatry Written Exam
08:3012:00Manchester/ LondonBook a place
Friday, 27 June 2025Geriatric Medicine Written Exam
08:3012:00Manchester/ LondonBook a place
Friday, 27 June 2025Rheumatology Written Exam
08:3012:00Manchester/ LondonBook a place
Friday, 27 June 2025Trauma and Orthopaedics Written Exam
08:3012:00Manchester/ LondonBook a place
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The written exam pilots will run from 8:30am to 12:00pm. After a briefing and refreshments, you'll sit a two hour exam followed by a short feedback session.

To give you an idea of how the OSCE pilots will run, we've created an example agenda below.

Lunch will be provided and we ask that you don't leave the building during lunch. This is to ensure the day stays to plan.  

Please note the timings and plan for the days may vary.




Welcome and coffee






Lunch and feedback







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What people say about us
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Participating in the exam as an examiner enables you to contribute to ensuring safe practice for patients and the maintenance of confidence in the profession by the public. As a candidate, it enables you to confirm what you know, rediscover lost skills and what you used to know and accept that there are some things you never knew and are not likely to need to know. It is an invaluable learning and development experience for doctors at all stages of their careers.

Dr Nerys Williams

Consultant Occupational Physician

I have found my role of GMC examiner to be incredibly rewarding. My own clinical practice has improved observing the different approaches and techniques used by candidates and I have been encouraged by the enthusiasm and skill I have seen. I would recommend the experience wholeheartedly.

Dr Gil Myers

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Being an examiner for pilots was very enjoyable and enlightening. It was interesting to see how different doctors at different levels of experience approached the same clinical scenario and it made me reflect on how I teach my juniors. Overall, it was rewarding to contribute to the development of the GMC’s Fitness to Practice process.

Dr Magdalen Baker


The theoretical clinical scenarios (OSCEs) were thought-provoking and stimulated our knowledge. It was a great experience to assess one’s own understanding as well as to help validate assessment tools on behalf of the GMC.

Dr Mariam Malik

Breast Surgery International Training Fellow

I found the pilot day to be really informative and a good insight into what the GMC does. It was an enjoyable day, which I was surprised at, and it was good to feel that I was shaping some of the assessments that the GMC use.

Dr Sarah Bowers

Multimorbidity PhD Fellow - Palliative Medicine/GIM

I greatly enjoyed my experience as an examiner on a pilot day. It was a good opportunity to review my clinical knowledge on the topics I was assessing and to meet and talk with other examiners about their work. I was also really inspired by the high quality of care the volunteers delivered. Overall, an educational and enjoyable day.

Dr Charlotte Cuddihy

Public Health Registrar

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Pilots usually take place in Manchester and London.

Details of the venues will be sent to you directly once you have been confirmed as registered to attend the day.

Travel and accommodation will be reimbursed in line with our expenses policy, which will be sent with your confirmation email.